Akefu Brewer

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This iconic image is one Akefu Brewer selected as his profile picture early on in his career on geteso.
This iconic picture was one of many often used by Akefu when he raided (clogged) geteso as a logposting raider who wanted his main to be unsuspended.
Akefu often took on the character of Terry A. Davis, albeit poorly.
Akefu really got rolling when he discovered Tourettes Guy and made several geteso accounts based off him, all of which went on to raid the forum.

Akefu Brewer (real name: Daegan Harris) is a lolcow known for having autistic fits on Esoteric Chat, among other places. He can most easily be identified by his distinctive typing style, using words such as "niggerlicious" and "clogged." Akefu's posts contain identical spelling errors across alternate accounts which ends up making them look like a fucking moron. Despite this, Akefu is responsible for the raids because he is likely behind Akefu Raider.

Throughout Akefu Brewer's sordid career he has shown little regard for what others may call morals or ethics. He hasn't bothered to even muse over goodwill towards man or a better future for anyone. Akefu Brewer has shown absolutely no remorse in the wake of his many atrocities he's committed. Even with the colossal amount of blood on his hands, he shows not one jot of guilt. Akefu Brewer is the last individual you ever want to encounter, period. Akefu has left a legacy of chaos, destruction, and calamity every which way he's ever gone.

We do a little trolling. It's called, we do a little trolling.
—Akefu Brewer (stolen from Donald Trump)

Like some others, he has no sense of originality. His personality is merely a conglomeration of thoughts and ideas which others have fed to him.

Early life

Akefu Brewer was born and raised in Texas. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself but he's living proof of the old motif about Texas being nothing but steers and queers. Last time I saw Akefu, I didn't see a pair of horns on the sucker. Akefu's parents gave him over to his grandparents to rear him, however, for financial reasons apparently. So Akefu lives with his grandparents in Houston, Texas.

It was quite clear to anybody with a working set of eyes that Akefu was no ordinary child. For starters, he had ADHD. The kid frankly couldn't and still can't to this day just sit still. He also seemed awfully hellbent on causing chaos for no explicable reason.

When Akefu was 8 years old, he alleges that a childhood friend aged 11 forced him to get naked, get into a closet, and suck his cock. To top off his story he said that the molester took Akefu's underwear and lied, claiming it was in fact his own. It's probable that Akefu simply made up this story for attention and so that people would feel sorry for him. Maybe he made it up to take the easy way out when it came to explaining why he was such a faggot. In any case it's widely believed that this event just never happened.

In 2018, when Akefu was around 10 years old, he played the popular game Minecraft. He had a quantifiable online presence. That was, until, the incident. In short, Akefu's grandpa caught him watching porn very late at night. What was a 10 year old doing watching porn in the first place? Akefu was permanently banned from ever using the Internet by his grandparents because of the harmful people and things he could, and it appears did, encounter online.

Using the forum

It wasn't until late 2020 that Akefu managed to sneak back onto the dark realm of the virtual aether. Akefu secretly resented his grandparents because they robbed him of his only outlet for all his negativity that had been building up to unbearable levels. See, to understand that, we have to tell another story about Akefu's real personal life.

In his own words, Akefu seems like he's emo in real life. He "literally cannot socialize at all." Needless to say Akefu doesn't have many friends if any at all in the real world. It's likely he gets bullied, especially by ethnically diverse youths. This made him the perfect candidate for what was to come next. Akefu Brewer was prime meat, and he was about to be shaped.

A life-altering event befell Akefu one day as he met somebody in Minecraft who would eventually be a geteso user. This person first introduced Akefu to 4chan, then went on to introduce Akefu to geteso. Akefu was also introduced to Total Logdom this way.

Akefu's early posts on geteso were marked by a liberal usage of racial slurs and expletives. His posts contained little to no content and were understandably viewed in a negative light by many forum users. Akefu quickly grew unpopular and his reputation in the community could've already been framed as notoriously scoundrel-esque. But things were about to change forever once Akefu started making alternate accounts, a practice commonly referred to on the forum as samefagging.

Akefu has made so many alternate accounts that I could go on and on encompassing entire paragraphs but I will spare the time and effort and instead hammer out an overview. Akefu would pretty much copy someone's gimmick and create an account based off of it. Examples include Terry A. Davis, Tourettes Guy, Bingus, Benis benis, various Nazi-related accounts, Andy Sixx logposting accounts, and many many other such miscellaneous things. These accounts proved to be quite an annoyance to the community more often than not and were virtually always revealed to be him. To Akefu's credit, some of his accounts endured long amounts of time before ultimately being discovered. Some he kept going for several months. This is an incredible feat considering much of his time on the forum he spent suspended, and any account even vaguely suspected of being him was simply suspended on the spot. It's speculated that many innocent users could've ended up caught in this crossfire.

The inevitable soon occurred: Akefu Brewer was suspended. This wouldn't be the last time, however. Akefu undisputedly raided the forum mostly using Andy Sixx logposting accounts. He also made other accounts, some bearing his name and others not lamenting on the FACT that all anybody on the forum had to do in order to avoid this disaster was to unsuspend him. If you think that he was ignored, nobody fed the troll, and he didn't end up unsuspended, you're dead wrong. He was pretty well fattened up, the spoon-feeding the troll analogy in mind. He was suspended soon after being unsuspended for the first time, and the cycle continued.

Akefu caused a lot of damage at least in the eyes of the retarded niggercattle who frequented geteso.org. He foiled their raids of other platforms (see The Emowire Backfire), was always raiding the forum, and when he wasn't suspended made overall autistic posts. Akefu was essentially the boogeyman for the site. He relished and took immense pleasure and gratification from all this, unbeknownst to the in retrospect truly blind users of geteso. They didn't realize what they had done, the monster they helped create. By then, it was far too late.

The forum really went downhill when Akefu was suspended around winter of 2021. That's when Akefu Raider first appeared on the scene. It's clear that this "new" raider was none other than Akefu Brewer himself. It was a seamless blend of his other accounts and personalities. Vocabulary analysis reveals elements from Terry A. Davis, Tourettes Guy, the Andy Sixx logposting accounts, and the other shitposting and raiding accounts Akefu had created in the past. If Akefu Raider isn't Akefu, it's somebody who has carefully crafted this identity with framing Akefu in mind and this person has done it over an unreasonable period of time. The obvious answer is that Akefu Brewer is Akefu Raider.

Ultimately Akefu was responsible for the complete downfall of geteso even if he wasn't Akefu Raider as he at least heavily inspired the never-ceasing raids. The very last thing we know about Akefu is that on April 11th, 2022, he went dark. He said that he wanted nothing more to do with anything remotely related to geteso citing extreme negative impacts on his real, personal life. Since Akefu raids have occurred since then it can be reasoned that either Akefu Raider isn't him, or another explanation is due. It's obvious his alt accounts were more than just accounts to him. They were characters and while he operated the alts he became each alt and took on their respective character as if it were his own. The explanation here is that he spent so much time as Akefu Raider that he was embroiled by the persona, and simply one day totally became Akefu Raider and is trapped now, unable to escape. So now he raids forums and servers and pretty much anything he deems a "yee yee ass niggerlicious easily raidable low security niggercattle infested shitpile." He is a prisoner trapped in his own body, watching these horrible events unfold before his eyes, powerless to stop them. The raids will never ever stop no matter what. Nobody can change that, not even Akefu himself.


Akefu's sexuality can be summed up rather simply. Akefu is a complete sexual invert. In terms commonly used today, Akefu is bisexual, gender fluid, a furry, and a transvestite. A sexual deviant and a pervert, in other words. Why is he like this? Many have pondered over this question and many possible answers have been postulated. Perhaps him being molested, raised by his grandparents instead of his parents, his social ineptitude, overexposure to sexual stimuli through the internet at such a young age, or a combination of some or all of the aforementioned factors are to blame. But the leading theory is that Akefu is simply the pure unbridled embodiment of everything wrong with modern society and the world. Maybe Akefu is a personification of all that is abhorrent about today. Perhaps he is nothing more and nothing less than a scream, a long string of all caps 50,000 of the letter a over and over, given off on behalf of those who recoil with horror at the state of modern civilization, if it can even reasonably bear that name anymore. In any case, it's self-evident that Akefu Brewer is one fucked up nigga.