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VideoGameSmash12 is a faggoty version of VideoGamePhenom that likes to complain and whine about events transpiring (oops... it's dead! transpired) on Total Fagdom. He is characterized by a never-ending list of mental afflictions that include, but are not limited to: delusions of grandeur, sympathy for faggots, online romancing with 13 year olds, and generally degenerate behavior. Do you get the point, stupid?

At times Video has broken out of his introverted shell to criticize Total Logdom for having a shitty administration (of which he is part) but only after somebody else has done so. In other words, not a single original thought has come out of this guy's "brain" as he develops autistic obsessions with certain things and regurgitates them in his posts.

Early life

Video was born inside one of Alco's toy trains as the result of a genetic mutation gone wrong. When Alco jacked off to his toy train set, the sperm became lodged inside one of the trains and mutated into the ass-kissing, dick riding mutant known as Video Gay Smash. The desire to constantly masturbate became part of Video's genetic profile, and so he became known to his parents for "smashing" the fuck out of his tired penis into a bloody pulp before the Great Angry Bird Incident of 2021 led to the total annihilation of his genitals.

After having lost his genitals, Video became a eunuch and served in the Royal Court of Ryan Wild by bringing him McDonald's hamburgers and fries on a bihourly basis. This trend continued for several years, however Video eventually lost his wits (as if he ever had any) and plotted to stab him in the back on the Ides of March.

Failed assassination of Ryan Wild

Video plotted with his father, Alco, and his aunt Galahad to stab Ryan Wild in the back at the Total Freedom Senate. This day became known as the Ides of March because Ryan Wild was so fucking fat that the knives would not penetrate his layers of blubber and cellulite. As such, the attempt to kill Ryan went horribly wrong and he instead vored all three of them into his giant belly.

There has been no word from Video ever since he was vored by Ryan and it is assumed that he remains there to this day.